The Adventures of Stewie, Granddad and Percy Potface

Created by Charlotte 2 years ago

Something that has brought us great comfort is the thought that Stewie is now with his Granddad Mark (who he bore quite a physical reaemblance to), and our beloved cat Percy Potface who in fact spent his first 10 years living with and being taught terrible habits by Granddad, which we were then treated to in his final years.

It brings us happiness to know they can have an eternity of adventures together, with Granddad always looking after Stewie, and Percy forever by their side as their steadfast companion.

Perhaps right now they’re enjoying nibbling sardines and prawns under an umbrella at the John Bull pub in Portugal, before watching the sun set over Cascais beach where Granddad grew up. Or maybe they’re on a sailing adventure to Madagascar to meet the lemurs. Grandad might have even decided to take Stewie back to Lesotho to relive some of his daredevil escapades like hurtling off a cliff in a tin can postal plane. Or they might have decided to have a rest at home and have Great Grandma Brown over for tea, where she will secretly feed Percy under the table and feign total innocence.

Regardless, we know that Stewie is in the best and suitably adventurous hands, and being able to imagine them all together gives us an incredible amount of comfort.

What a joy that we have an eternity of adventures to dream up and maybe even write down to share with Stewie’s future siblings.