Stewie Enters the World

2022 July 27

Created by Charlotte 2 years ago

Stewie Turner Kotulecki was born at 1.18am on Wednesday 27th July weighing 7lbs and measuring 51cm long. He was beautiful, and shared many features with his Granddad Mark. 

Whilst we couldn’t change the outcome, we knew that we could influence how we experienced and remembered bringing him into the world, and we were determined for it to be as positive as possible for the sake of all three of us, as Stewie deserved no less. We received absolutely outstanding care at hospital, and bringing him into the world together (nearly) as we had originally planned was the best thing we have ever done. We will always cherish it and our time together after he was born, as well as the many months of adventures and memory making we got to enjoy together as a trio beforehand. 
